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Search results for query #удалить

3 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
27.04.2022, 12:59
Evaluate revision : remove process products if conditions are met
Hello! Please rate the revision "remove process products if conditions are met" Purpose: not to delete through the "selected" f...
how to find out who deleted a process
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
18.09.2021, 08:51
How can I restore a payment or copy a deleted one and how often do payments from MonoBank come in
I'll start in order 1. I wanted to check the payment link, took it and deleted it and wait until the system adds a new one by the minute, the s...
4 answer
19.07.2021, 13:52
Deleting contacts
When deleting contacts, they remain in the system and are displayed as deleted (something like a basket) But when I filter all deleted contacts, se...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
05.12.2020, 17:21
Is there any possibility in the system to delete a payment through actions?
The essence of the task is that there is integration with the private24 merchant and sometimes payments that are not needed in the system at all co...
2 answer
Delete all products and orders
Tell me how to delete all products and customer orders? About 1500 items and many orders. After tests and settings remained. I would like to start ...
1 answer
15.10.2020, 13:00
Need to clean up the server
Good afternoon you need to clean (delete all old files that are older than 2 months) the server, there is less than 1 GB of free space left
2015645319 - Button "delete record" for PSU types
To eliminate the possibility of erroneous deletion of a BP group, the “Delete entry” button: - moved to the left (previously was next to “save”); -...
2015633296 - Removing employees from a chat
Improved the ability to remove employees from OneBox chat
4 answer
03.09.2020, 15:19
How to delete a wallet (account) if the button
How to delete a wallet (account) if the "Delete account" button does not work (probably a BUG)

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