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Search results for query #удаление контактов

3 answer
27.10.2021, 13:58
Doesn't let you delete contacts in bulk
There is a list of unwanted (spam) contacts https://onetos.org.ua/app/contact/?groupid=-1 I'm trying to delete like this But nothing happens i...
4 answer
19.07.2021, 13:52
Deleting contacts
When deleting contacts, they remain in the system and are displayed as deleted (something like a basket) But when I filter all deleted contacts, se...
1 answer
19.07.2021, 12:55
Clear deleted contacts
Client box https://agroshoptov.crm-onebox.com/desktop/ follow the link https://agroshoptov.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/day/edit/ need to modi...
2 answer
How to delete deleted contacts?
How to delete deleted contacts?
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
16.11.2020, 16:15
Unable to bulk delete contacts
Here is the contact list https://500np.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/?sortkey=id&sorttype=ASC We need to delete all contacts in bulk, leave t...
Bulk Actions - Delete/Move Selected Contacts
Please tell me, is it possible to select contacts (when "contacts are listed") to delete or move several at once through a mass action to...

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