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Search results for query #ттн новой почты

1 answer
27.03.2023, 18:53
Problem with the Delete TTN New Mail action
If the TTN was created before today, then it is impossible to delete it through the API. The option Allow to switch the stage in case of a TPH d...
how to transfer TTN of Nova Poshta to Prom?
Now in Prom there is a rule that while there is no TTN in the order, the client can cancel the order, and it became necessary to transfer the TTN t...
TTN status of new mail
1) How to display the status of the TTN in the card, for example, "Waiting", "On the road", "Arrived"? 2) Make a chan...
8 replies
28.06.2022, 17:42
Improvement - Removing ttn New mail from customer order
Good afternoon. I ask you to consider the possibility of refining the "Removal of TTN New mail from the client's order and the office of t...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
18.01.2022, 11:34
OS - an error during the automatic formation of the TTN of New mail when the procedure is triggered
Perhaps the developer of the application can help figure it out. Here is the challenge: https://dorechi.crm-onebox.com/9089/ The task contains the ...
3 answer
21.09.2021, 11:37
Error when creating TTN Nova Poshta
For one of the counterparties, it does not allow the creation of a TTN by an automatic action at the stage. Constantly throws the error "Sende...
TTN Nova Poshta is not created
When creating a TTN, it does not pull up the sender's number https://andser.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/139744/invoice/ After enteri...
4 answer
15.10.2020, 15:09
TTN return delivery Nova Poshta
The TTN of the return delivery of New Mail is not pulled into the order card. https://prnt.sc/uzu43c TTN return shipping was created via New Mail r...
3 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
22.09.2020, 14:02
it is not possible to generate TTN of new mail
When creating a TTN, the street of the departure warehouse is not entered, neither manually nor automatically
2015604332 - Completion of the creation of TTN New mail with the service "Return delivery of documents with different subtypes"
The possibility of creating a TTN of Nova Poshta with the service "Return delivery of documents with different subtypes" has been improve...

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