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Search results for query #родительский процесс

Comparing the sum of the fields of child processes with the field of the parent process
I wanted to know if it is possible to somehow prohibit editing a child process if the sum of a certain field for all child processes exceeds the va...
2 answer
23.09.2021, 13:36
Assign parent process is not correct
At the stage, stand by https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/1054/action/new/ Nalashtuvannya dії The process of pіdv'yazalo zovsіm...
Fields from parent BP are not copied
Good afternoon. At a certain stage of the BP, a subtask (subprocess) is created, but the values of not all fields are copied into similar fields of...
4 answer
24.03.2021, 19:43
setup stopped working
For the "parent process" process field, the setting to search only for client processes has stopped working Example http://crm.adparts.co...
1 answer
04.01.2021, 14:55
Finding the parent process
it is necessary that when adding a process (settings of the interface for adding a process), it is possible to limit the drop-down list "Paren...
1 answer
25.11.2020, 10:42
Refinement of the action Copy the values of additional fields of the process product to the product of the parent process
There is an action Copy the values of additional fields of the process product to the product of the parent process It copies additional process pr...
3 answer
Remove parent from subprocess
Good afternoon! Please tell me how to create a task or process with a BP and at the same time that the process / task is separate, does not pull th...
2 answer
12.10.2020, 16:52
The parent process is not saved or assigned.
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/psaport/113355/edit/# if you fill in the field "parent process" http:/...
2 answer
02.10.2020, 21:13
Missing items from parent process
For some reason items disappear from the parent process. Help fix https://streamable.com/3ebqen
2015137693 - Parent process search refinement
For the “parent process” field of the universal block of the process interface, the settings have been improved: “Search only by client processes” ...

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