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Search results for query #перемещение

Automatic movement of goods during the process does not work
Good afternoon Previously, for this project, the action “Move process contents to another warehouse” was improved https://prnt.sc/KrbghBgSV4M0 ever...
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6 replies
09.10.2023, 14:58
Improvement: add the "Move" field to the "Products by table" block
In the "Products by table" block there is a "Shipped" field, but can you make a similar field with the "Move" operation? You need to visually see i...
2 answer
Personal license
08.11.2022, 15:00
BUG I can't bind products when moving more than 1
https://senseeducation.1b.app/app/settings/storage/ - checkbox Allow moving/writing off products with the same serial number in the amount of more ...
4 answer
28.09.2022, 16:25
Link to the process is not displayed in the Move operation
In all warehouse operations, there is a link to the process through which the operation took place, but not for Transfers. Please correct. Thank you.
Relocation, reservation
Please tell me, I created the stages of the business process: - STAGE customer confirmed - process "reserve this product in the warehouse &quo...
1 answer
16.01.2022, 20:04
Move not working in subprocess
Asked a question earlier https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes/12599-ne-peremeshchayutsya-tovari-v-p...
no movement occurs
we have bp https://crm.scoma.ru/admin/customorder/mildi/57162/edit/ when you go to the stage the goods are unloaded, the goods are not moved from o...
1 answer
15.11.2021, 15:51
Moving between cells in the warehouse
https://crm.dobavki.ua/ An example of how this happens in reality: There is a customer order, from it an order to the supplier. Goods come from the...
23 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
25.10.2021, 20:52
Moving goods - a problem when moving
Product https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/shop/products/26002/storage/ Part of the product is in the warehouse to which the transfer was made, bu...
1 answer
10.09.2021, 15:45
Bug products. Urgently!
Good afternoon, the following bug occurs when moving products. The system moves all products from all categories, ignoring selected products in a s...

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