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Search results for query #переключить этап

2015863249 - Improved the functionality of the action "Switch stage if payment received"
Added the setting "Do not switch to a stage if the process was already at the stage before" to the "Switch stage if payment received...
1 answer
Action Switch stage when stage expires does not work
On the BP stage, the action Set stage due date and Switch stage on stage expiration are configured. But the stage is not switched when the stage ex...
20 replies
21.09.2021, 10:38
Duplicate action "Switch stage if payment received"
Good afternoon. We set up automatic payment binding, respectively, set the action "Switch the stage if a payment is received", and it tur...
2 answer
02.07.2021, 10:02
Prohibit switching stage
Good afternoon! Please tell me what action can be used to prohibit switching the stage if the client in the task is an employee or is in a certain ...
2015797669 - Improved the functionality of the action "Switch stage if payment received"
For the BP action "Switch stage if payment received", the setting "Convert payment and process amounts to the base currency if the p...
2015797669 - Improved the functionality of the action "Switch stage if payment received"
For the BP action "Switch stage if payment received", the setting "Convert payment and process amounts to the base currency if the p...
10 replies
08.02.2021, 14:43
help find action
A task: Switch the stage if a comment from the responsible process is found. What action can be taken to complete this task?
2 answer
03.02.2021, 15:15
Check if there is a comment in the process and switch the stage - only works with Viber messages?
Good afternoon! Tell me, the action "Check for a comment in the process and switch the stage - only works with Viber messages? When you receiv...
3 answer
The action "Jump stage after X transitions to the flow stage" does not work
Good afternoon! https://onebox.constantagro.com.ua:44553/admin/shop/workflowstatus/144/action/ne... After the specified number of transitions, the a...
2 answer
11.01.2021, 15:35
Settings not saved in action
http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/642/action/new/ Recorded video https://www.loom.com/share/c3379b8cf04a47cf9bd5d3c49c500972 In the ...

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