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Search results for query #номер процесса

1 answer
Payments are not pulled by the process number. Bug
Here is the payment https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/29857/ was not tied to the process. Although this is configured in automation
5 replies
21.06.2021, 10:49
Process numbers - how they work
There was such a nuance: Our partners' erp system in which they work maintains order numbers with numbering as in Box #12345 (lattice + number)...
1 answer
27.05.2021, 11:02
Display process number while moving
If you open the product movement history https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/storage/product/7ab6d81828bf78d9ec9d1ccf8a2bf... It is not vis...
1 answer
13.04.2021, 10:25
Incorrectly recorded the id of the created process
Process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1910624/edit/ It has products, they have different warehouses. There is a pr...
4 answer
30.03.2021, 19:16
Failed to change the process number, this number is already in use
Hello. In our database, when moving to a new stage - "Assign an author" in the "New order" business process, an error is genera...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.12.2020, 13:43
Sequential numbering of tasks of one business process
When we set tasks this is how it turns out when there is an id 371 Lead > 372 Order 373 Lead > 376 Order 374 Lead > 375 Order It is necess...
5 replies
15.12.2020, 16:58
Required supplementation for BP
Good day! Koristuєmosja "Add products to the process based on the processes of the client in the given business process". In this way, on...
3 answer
09.12.2020, 13:00
The value of the serial number of the product process
Maєmo zavdannya kliєnta, schob prescribe additional fields for the first product of the process How can you remove the zmіnnu No. (serial number of...
the process number with the # tag will be added to the letters sent from the process has ceased
and also variables are not substituted into the email template This also happened after the update.
2 answer
13.04.2020, 18:10
Add the ability to change the numbering of processes and subprocesses
Add the ability to change the numbering of processes, for example: 1. The main process has the number 1234, and after the changes it will be for ex...

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