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the process number with the # tag will be added to the letters sent from the process has ceased


Provide a link to the process and an example of the data that you fill out when sending an email in order to diagnose the problem.
20.11.2020, 17:59
Original comment available on version: ru

The process in my box is 38575. I just looked and the letter sent from the process does not cling to the process just. Event link mybox/admin/issue/addmail/?eventid=334082
20.11.2020, 18:11
Original comment available on version: ru

I tried to send a test letter in the specified process https://2449470.ru/admin/customorder/issue/38575/edit/ through the comments feed - the process ID was substituted into the subject.
If we are talking about a pop-up window when clicking on an email - this is fixed.
20.11.2020, 19:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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