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Search results for query #настройки доступа

Login to onebox
Good afternoon, my client https://pl-tyres.1b.app/desktop/ was a little tricky with the settings I wanted to open access to my personal account and...
1 answer
Setting permissions for employees in the Calendar
Good afternoon How to prevent employees - in the access rights settings - from viewing processes created by the manager? In fine settings, just a b...
Problems setting up access
The manager in the Payments and cash desk application does not show the balance of the wallet, although all possible accesses are open. A similar p...
2 answer
09.10.2020, 15:45
Access to contacts where I am a related employee
Hello, in the access settings there is a setting option "Access to contacts where I am associated employee" View Manage. Tell me how to u...
4 answer
14.09.2020, 10:38
Access to process status
It is necessary to completely close the manager's access to the status of the process. How to do it? If you just uncheck the status box, then t...

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