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Search results for query #минимальный резерв

1 answer
04.10.2022, 13:43
There is no "minimum product reserve" field for import or export
There is such a field it is standard, used in the production plan report. But this field is not present either in the export or in the import of t...
2 answer
19.09.2022, 11:46
Product quantity per min. reserve
We set up an action once a day that puts down the min. reserve and action that creates a process for purchasing with min. reserve On the example of...
1 answer
19.09.2022, 11:38
Creating an order with min reserve
Set up an action to create a process for purchasing with min. reserves https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/automatization/day/edit/ Set up a business proces...
Add a minimum stock value for products from an .xls file
Good afternoon! Tell me what file template should be when loading min. reserve from xls?
Warehouses and minimum reserve
Good afternoon! Interested in the possibility of a minimum reserve. OneBox : https://kiyservice.1b.app/desktop/ There is such a task: 1. There are ...
2 answer
24.01.2022, 10:01
Minimum stock reserve is not loaded from file
The minimum warehouse reserve is not loaded from the xls file. I upload the file in the attachment, but the product does not appear in the minimum ...
8 replies
05.11.2021, 11:19
Does not create processes "Install a business process for the purchase of products per employee"
1. Go to automation https://rivcont.info/app/automatization/day/edit/ 2. There is an action "Set the business process for the purchase of prod...
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
03.09.2021, 15:55
Refinement, add a minimum reserve variable to the automation action
Good afternoon, How long will it take to add the "minimum reserve" variable to the once a day automation action "Write value in prod...
3 answer
02.08.2021, 13:58
Minimum reserve
Good afternoon! The "Products in the list" does not display the minimum reserve of the product, although it is specified in the card. Wha...
4 answer
25.07.2021, 14:46
Set up a business process for purchasing products per employee
Good afternoon! There is an automatic action "Set the business process for the purchase of products per employee." When creating the &quo...

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