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Search results for query #интеграция контактов xml

Help setting up contact import (XML Contacts Integration (Import))
Good afternoon There was a problem setting up automation once an hour. "Integrate XML Contacts (Import)" action. Data on API URL finds, but cont...
Improvement "Integration of XML contacts (Export)"
there is an automatic action in crm once per hour XML contact integration (Export). It needs to be updated to fit our needs. We need: 1. Data from ...
2015471753 - Improvement of the action “Integrate XML Contacts (Import)”
For automatic action once per hour “Integration of XML contacts (Import)”, the setting “Search only on the specified additional fields” has been im...
2014885832 - Action functionality improved: XML payments integration (Import), XML contacts integration (Import)
For actions: - XML payment integration (Import) - Integration of XML contacts (Import) Improved setting for moving to a folder after processing a file
2014515486 - Improved log functionality for "Integrate XML Contacts (Import)" action
For the action “Integrate contacts XML (Import)”, logs have been added that will display the reason for which the entity was not loaded.
2014502358 - Improved action "Integrate XML Contacts (Import)"
Previously, the action did not update all fields for existing contacts. Added a checkbox “Overwrite data of existing contacts”, if it is enabled, t...
The functionality of the action “Integration of XML contacts (Import)” has been improved
Now you can search for a contact by additional contact fields. For example, we are looking for the EDRPOU code. When uploading contacts, search for...

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