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Search results for query #импорт процессов

5 replies
18.07.2023, 08:14
Frequency of importing processes from OpenCart
Good afternoon. There is an action "Import processes from Opencart": When enabled, it fires every minute. How to make some integrations work not p...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
04.11.2022, 15:21
Import processes and payments from Khorospa
Hello! The action in the process import "Makes a payment for the amount of the process, if the order is paid in horoshop" how to set and ...
8 replies
01.11.2022, 12:50
Importing processes incorrectly
Import not all processes, skip 1, 3 requests
2 answer
25.10.2022, 13:03
It is necessary to refine the search for a product and pre-clean the process from products
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/automatization/minute/edit/#done There is an action "Integration of XML processes (Import)". 1. You need t...
5 replies
Please estimate the cost of improvement
Now it pulls orders by the process ID or process name column. It is necessary to make it so that orders are searched in the column by the value of ...
3 answer
05.07.2022, 08:44
Adjust import of processes from xml file
Є xml file available for url. Required to set up an automatic task "Integration of XML processes (Import)"
15 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
13.06.2022, 13:07
Import does not create processes
Hello! Automatic action once per hour, processes are not created and fields are not updated https://om24.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Can y...
2 answer
Configuring process import from Horosop
If you set the field "Search products by matching the article to the additional field:" in the import settings, the action stops working ...
9 replies
How to make sure that processes are not updated?
I have action https://omegacrm.opbx.ml/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ It has a setting It updates all processes, not just those in the selected s...
5 replies
PSU is not imported into OS
Good day! I'm trying to import the PSU from my own MVP boxes into the OS for testing. Ale, Boxing sees a pardon that this type of PSU does not ...

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