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The update commitment action does not work!
https://youtu.be/85odgxC7CL4?si=47qP0PaOfmUR2hvP&t=921 the video starts at 15:21 Here is a video from OneBox about the logic of the "update commitm...
0 replies
The client's obligations have not been updated
Many clients have updated their client obligations after a mass change in product price: https://dimsp.crm-onebox.com/122928/
3 answer
Personal license
16.08.2021, 12:16
Obligations in the client's card
help me figure it out, the client https://logogroup.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/2367/ shows: "Client's liabilities (balance): UAH 13,1...
8 replies
Goiter with a post-employee
Please help me to sort out the goiters with the post-employees and let me know that you are my accountant. for the butt, we have a process for whi...
Pardon in the order for a helper with goat knitting
Pardon in the order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/964895/edit/ goat knitter https://prnt.sc/w6ljf3 What robiti shob did not happen ??...

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