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Search results for query #заполнить поле процесса или контакта

30 replies
19.10.2021, 11:46
Values are not generated correctly using the formula [cdatetime|y]-[workflow.number]
Good afternoon. There was a problem with generating the value in the additional field, we generate it by the [cdatetime|y]-[workflow.number] variab...
4 answer
13.08.2021, 11:49
Fill in the process or contact field
Good afternoon! There is an action "Fill in the field of the process or contact", in which there is a checkbox "Clear the selected f...
2015822565 - Refinement of filling in contact fields
For the "Fill in the process or contact field" action, the ability to fill in the legal details fields in the process has been added.
4 answer
18.06.2021, 17:43
Action checkbox not working
Good afternoon! At the “Sale” stage, there is an action “Fill in the process or contact field” In which the checkbox "Do not fill in the sele...
2015738935 - Added a setting to the "Fill in the process or contact field" action
For the action "Fill in the process or contact field", the setting "When clearing a field with the file type, delete the file from t...
3 answer
25.11.2020, 10:42
The Fill process or contact field action triggers all procedures repeatedly
Good afternoon! Faced such a problem, when creating a process / switching the stage of the procedure, when changing the process, they work out repe...
2014479553 - Added the ability to write a value to the card with the action “Fill in the process or contact field”
There is an action “Fill in the process or contact field”. Previously: the action filled in the value of the contact card or process, but it was no...
2015486993 - Improvement of the action "Fill in the process or contact field"
For the BP action "Fill in the field of the process or contact", the ability to select the field "TTN return delivery" has been...
2015443877 - Improvement of the action “Fill in the process or contact field”
For the BP action “Fill in the process or contact field”, the ability to set a value in the “connection” contact field has been improved. If severa...
2015366867 - Improved action "Fill process or contact field"
For the BP action "Fill in the process or contact field", the setting "Substitute the date and time of the "Schedule" fiel...

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