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Search results for query #заполнить дополнительное поле на основании дополнительных полей и данных справочника

2 answer
25.09.2023, 22:03
Very urgent! Actions in "Automation for Products" partially stopped working
After the weekend, the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and directory data" stopped working. At first I thought it ha...
8 replies
22.09.2022, 14:32
Based on one filter value - insert different values into another filter
Guys, I need help to solve the problem. I suspect that it needs to be improved. Purpose: based on the value of one product filter, you need to find...
3 answer
11.07.2022, 21:19
Found a BUG: variables disappear in "Product Automation"
In the "Fill an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data" action for "Product Automation", the values disapp...
3 answer
04.05.2022, 12:39
OS: Settings in "Automation for products" periodically flies
Guys, for some reason, from time to time the settings in the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and reference data...
2015872447 - The functionality of the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data" has been improved
Added the setting "When filling in an additional field, consider its type" to the "Fill in an additional field based on additional f...
2015743638 - Improved the functionality of the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data"
For the action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data", the ability to select the lookup field "id ...
2015420906 - Added action "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data"
Added a new action when saving a product card "Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and reference data"
2014890396 - Improved the action “Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and lookup data”
The BP action “Fill in an additional field based on additional fields and directory data” has been improved. In the action settings, you must speci...

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