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Search results for query #запись разговора

2 answer
10.04.2024, 14:14
Recommend IP telephony.
Good day. I choose IR-telephony, Binotel, Ringostar, Phonet... Everything costs about the same and has a similar interface. What works better, reco...
3 answer
20.09.2023, 17:46
The conversation recording does not appear in OneBox
We recently connected telephony from Binotel, we are still setting it up, perhaps we are missing something in the settings / nuances. Please tell m...
1 answer
20.01.2022, 06:25
the button to listen to the recording of conversations is not in its place
I am attaching a screenshot, while there is also this button on top
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
31.01.2021, 18:44
Evaluate the refinement of access rights for conversation recordings
Improve access rights to download the recording of the conversation. For example - Role 1 cannot download, but role 2 can download and listen
7 replies
15.01.2021, 14:34
Call recording PBX Kyivstar
Good afternoon. According to the API from the Kyivstar virtual PBX, the conversation records are dragging on to OneBox already?
2 answer
21.09.2020, 17:15
Call Recordings
An old ambiguous question - there are a number of npas that say what to do and listen to the recordings of telephone conversations is an illegal ac...

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