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Search results for query #загрузка продуктов

1 answer
The block for loading products in the personal account does not work :(
Found a revision where the bootloader was made https://box.webproduction.ua/2015554764/ Brought it out here http://box.magbaby.ua/client/basket/ Ma...
5 replies
18.03.2021, 18:02
Block for importing products into the application
"Import stopped working in Vendor Order transactions Today out of 20 attempts, it worked 2 times. I click Download and nothing happens. I trie...
Product import block stopped working
Yesterday, for the first time, a problem was discovered, but on the fifth attempt, I loaded it, today it’s not in any. I have been using the option...
2015753149 - Added functionality to the block "Product import block"
In the import block, an additional item has been added to the drop-down list of product search options. Also added the ability to select a column w...
14 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
25.11.2020, 00:23
Import (update / update) of products - received a report there it is indicated that the error, but it is not clear what the errors are
Here is the task https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/issue/28274/edit/ This task has (there are 2 files in the description) 1. STANDART 100 (8).xl...
4 answer
09.09.2020, 12:35
Categories are loaded in the wrong place action once per hour Universal product import (xml/json)
Good afternoon. Please tell me why when the checkbox "Do not update information about categories and the category tree (only new categories wi...
2015098164 - Automatic action “Import XLS/XLSX products”
Improved new automatic action once per hour “Import XLS/XLSX products”. Once an hour, the action retrieves a file from the specified source. After ...

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