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Search results for query #дочерний процесс

Comparing the sum of the fields of child processes with the field of the parent process
I wanted to know if it is possible to somehow prohibit editing a child process if the sum of a certain field for all child processes exceeds the va...
4 answer
26.03.2021, 12:08
Question: Structure of child processes (framework)
Tell me how this block works and how to configure it? No matter what I do, nothing helps. Thanks
2 answer
Transition from child to parent BP and changing the stage in it
Good afternoon! I can't find the right action. The task is the following: When I go to the stage, I create a sub-process (control of receipt of...
7 replies
03.12.2020, 16:40
Child process structure not working
I'm trying to set up - https://prnt.sc/vv3xh5 But it doesn't show what - https://prnt.sc/vv3yde What is the problem? How does this block ac...

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