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Search results for query #дополнительное изображение

2 answer
21.02.2023, 00:36
Unable to upload "additional image" in "CSV Product Integration (Export)"
Please tell me how to transfer all product images in the action "Integrate CSV products (Export)" on the watch crown? Now only the main image is tr...
2 answer
Remove additional pictures
Hello colleagues! Two days ago I opened a ticket, but the issue was not resolved - no answer. I am writing again. In the box in the product card, a...
5 replies
Additional product pictures
Hello! In the box in the product card, all additional product images are automatically loaded . I have a lot of them. I do not need additional pic...
2015062503 - Improved panel for mass product changes
Now you can mass assign an additional image to products. To do this, the “Additional image” block has been improved in the panel for mass product c...

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