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Search results for query #гугл таблицы

2 answer
10.02.2024, 19:26
Apps Script in Google Sheets for inserting values ​​into empty cells
Please help me create a script for Apps Script in Google Sheets, which inserts a certain value (for example a dot) into empty cells in a certain co...
10 replies
Adding export to google sheets
Є automation that allows you to export processes. What will be the price of additional processing, when will it be possible to export the serial nu...
2 answer
09.04.2022, 09:21
Evaluate the refinement of the Import Products from Google Sheets activity
There is an action Import products from Google spreadsheets, in its settings it is possible to specify from which columns to import the image that...
Integration does not work (error) why?
Set up a video according to the instructions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chrVGTv6-uk&t=371s but when I try to get data from the table I see...
2 answer
26.01.2022, 14:15
Please place the confirmation HTML file in the root of the site
You need to verify the domain, for integration with Google Sheets, please place the verification HTML file in the root of the site so that it can b...
5 replies
25.01.2022, 18:25
Integration error
Error when automation is triggered 1 time per minute. Screenshot attached
15 replies
Data not uploading to google spreadsheets
Uploading from CRM to Google spreadsheet is configured https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/, but data is not uploaded to Google ...
16 replies
22.06.2021, 17:47
Export to google sheets
consult, chi can be realized dorobku, schob vivantage in google sheets goods. immediately vivantage to help the process: https://ob.fo.co.ua/admin/...
1 answer
26.04.2021, 09:44
Import products from google sheets. Search by external id
action "Import products from Google Sheets" - by default, products are searched by article it is also possible to search by Name and Ba...
google sheets integration not working
Set up an action to export data to Google Sheets, but the data is not exported https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/integrations/google-spreadsheet-...

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