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Search results for query #вчасно

1 answer
01.12.2023, 13:04
Paid application "Vchasno.Kasa"?
Hello The description of the application says that it will be free for the first month. "The first month the application will be free for all cust...
1 answer
02.10.2023, 15:57
The edit button for "Vchasno" has disappeared.
https://univer.1b.app/app/vchasno-1/ The edit button for "Vchasno" has disappeared. Please correct
7 replies
Personal license
11.08.2023, 14:06
Is integration with Vchasno EDI planned?
Good afternoon, here was a question last year, they wrote that you plan to integrate with Vchasno.EDI: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integration-with-one...
0 replies
12.05.2023, 18:04
The action "Upload documents to the service Hourly" does not work
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/430/action/new/ There is an action "Get documents to the service Hourly" https://univer.1b.app...
2 answer
19.04.2023, 11:41
Document upload error
Here https://univer.1b.app/44971/ On the status ""Hourly Investor Questionnaire" there is an action "Upload documents to the service Hourly" It is ...
9 replies
24.01.2023, 15:25
Good grades in the On Time module
Good afternoon, that is, for finishing touches. to explain the essence of our business - most of our documents are bilateral with signing only by t...
1 answer
15.11.2022, 13:20
Integration with Hourly EDI
OneBox retailers. The partners of the Rozetka needed the following information: "Champion Partners, Rozetka company, is planning to switch to ...
3 answer
27.07.2022, 17:21
Please improve the application for automation Hourly
Here https://univer.1b.app/47/ 1. It is necessary to transfer the document and write down its ID in the field in the box. That is, put the action o...
14 replies
13.07.2022, 12:40
Is there a trial period for the application Hourly?
Good afternoon! Tell me, is there any test period in this application? I want to know if it works or not.
3 answer
26.10.2021, 11:50
OS: Do you plan to create a Vchasno application?
Guys, are you planning to launch an application for Vchasno? Or is there some alternative service?

If you can't find a suitable theme - Submit your question.