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Search results for query #workflows

2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.03.2023, 14:14
Images from Workflow edit settings not showing
Hello! When copying settings from one Box to another, uploaded Workflows images are not transferred. How can this be fixed and is it possible?
URGENTLY. Deleted workflows group
Accidentally deleted the group where the main orders go. Help restore
28 replies
24.06.2022, 18:56
Improvement Suggestion - Block Names
Now, even if the blocks have names, be it a universal block or a block of subprocesses, while editing the interface it is impossible to determine w...
2 answer
24.01.2022, 12:21
Filter panel changes not saved
Changes are not saved after adding a new filter in the filter panel. Screenshot example. Box: https://box.carveli.com/app/workflowtype-order/workfl...
3 answer
17.11.2021, 11:29
Golden processes - pardon 500
Please fix it promptly. If payments are linked to the process - the process is switched on, it is impossible to enter the new one. (I’m sorry, ther...
1 answer
08.11.2021, 21:23
Suggestion for improving the functionality of Workflows in Onebox OS
Good afternoon. I think that many people use intermediate stages in business processes, in which the process is not located, but only passes throug...
3 answer
Variables_Product parameters
I put an action - https://kvplus.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/16/procedure/11/ "Change the value of the additional process product field depend...
1 answer
29.09.2021, 16:56
OneBoxOS. Flew layout in the settings
http://crm.osd.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/174/interface/ the layout in the settings has fallen off and the exit button does not work Correct pl...
1 answer
20.09.2021, 10:24
BUG! OneBoxOS. Actions are gone!
http://crm.osd.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/40/action/new/ no action at all. And you can add only 4 actions from actions Correct please!
6 replies
19.08.2021, 21:27
Bug. No "Check Stock" action in OneBox OS
Workflow does not have "Check Stock" action in OneBox OS Please correct.

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