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Search results for query #workflow

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ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.08.2021, 11:25
OS - share the pain when programming business processes
I decided to try a new form of communication in addition to my telegram chat https://t.me/icoloronebox iCOLOR OneBox - Helping User Entrepreneurs A...
2 answer
29.07.2021, 12:29
Doesn't open app
There is an application Here is the logic Clicking on the app icon just refreshes the page.
5 replies
25.06.2021, 11:01
We are ready to pack business processes into applications
Respectable partners, we are ready to pack business processes into applications (workflow apps) and put them on the site. Workflow app is an applic...
10 replies
24.06.2021, 11:14
The order number is duplicated when assigning the variable workflow.number - the serial number of the order
Good afternoon! There is such a problem, in the process at the stage In work, the assignment action is configured Process numbers screen 1 (additi...
6 replies
16.06.2021, 18:09
Undo action
Since Box now saves everything without pressing a save button, it would be very convenient and functional to add a "undo" or "back/f...

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