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Search results for query #универсальный блок

2015860495 - Improved output of numeric values with type Floating point number
In the universal block, a setting has been added to display additional fields of the floating point number type - Use a comma to separate the fract...
2 answer
29.09.2021, 20:47
Fields in the universal block are not loaded
Fields are not loaded in the universal block in the interface in the order https://box.carveli.com/app/workflowtype-order/workflowstatus/88/interf...
1 answer
15.09.2021, 19:33
Customizing the interface in the product card
In the universal block in the order, it is possible to hide it for certain roles Can I make a similar setting for the universal block in the produ...
The setting "Field blocking conditions for roles" in the universal block does not work.
When this setting is enabled, all blocked fields are still displayed
3 answer
18.07.2021, 16:55
OS: Grid
1. Is it possible to make such a grid so that it would be possible to create a freer structure and change the arrangement of elements in it? Ideall...
5 replies
18.07.2021, 15:02
OS: Add field
https://youtu.be/j8Zlf7KMya8 Something went wrong. no additional field is created from the universal block. can be corrected?
3 answer
16.07.2021, 18:44
OS - Interface setup
If you create a new tab and add the Universal block there, then it copies all the settings from the universal blocks of the very first tab. Is that...
3 answer
16.07.2021, 18:38
OS - Universal block
Tell me, is it possible to make the block header somehow highlighted if there are fields inside that "need to be filled", but the block r...
8 replies
OS - Save item in UX settings and product tables
In Onebox OS, in the settings of the UX and the product table, the Save panel is located at the very bottom of the list of fields . Can it be fixe...
2015809715 - Added a setting to the universal process block
For the "Universal block" process interface block, the "Hide block for specified roles" setting has been added.

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