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Search results for query #справочник контактов

1 answer
07.03.2022, 02:10
Investment, additional contact fields
Good day, dear developers! I propose such a revision - when creating additional. contact directory fields - it was possible to select several group...
2015876322 - Added a setting to the action "Add all products from the warehouse to the process"
For the "Add all products from the warehouse to the process" action, a setting has been added that allows you to set an additional field ...
2 answer
02.12.2021, 17:12
no value is added to the field from the contact directory
there are the same 5 fields https://vashcolor.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/orderfield/ ( brought them out in the process https://vashcolor.crm-onebo...
2015865185 - Added setting to KPI
In the KPI settings, the ability to select has been improved so that the calculation is performed by an additional field with the contact directory...
2015846856 - Improved the functionality of the "Import products from CS-Cart" action
For the action "Import products from CS-Cart" the settings "Write the value of the product manager (issuer_data -> user_id) in th...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
16.08.2021, 15:32
In filters, the filter by group of contacts additional fields does not work
There is an additional process product field with the "Contact Directory" type Filter by group "Employees" is configured https:...
2015666938 - Added setting for directories with the type of automation Finance: wallets and accounts
Added a checkbox "Only active wallets" in the directory adding settings. Works only for directories with the type of automation "Fin...
2015343688 - Refinement of the "Contact Directory" field type for additional product fields
For additional product fields, the field type “Contact Directory” has been improved
2015314981 - Improved action "Create a notification in the notification center"
For the BP action "Create a notification in the notification center", a setting has been added in which you can set an additional process...
2015190000 - BP action “Add contacts to observers from additional process field”
The BP action “Add contacts to observers from an additional process field” has been improved, which is triggered upon transition and checks the spe...

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