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Search results for query #приход

16 replies
17.11.2020, 13:20
Expected arrival
We have finalized the action https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/2295-ozhidaemiy-prihod/ After updating the box, it crashed https://prnt.sc/vkp...
1 answer
Assess the completion of the expected income
We have a report that shows a list of items we are waiting for from a supplier. Need to evaluate the ability to sort the table of products by these...
4 answer
22.10.2020, 17:40
Expected arrival
Modify: so that in the expected receipt it is possible to select the posting warehouse (the warehouse where the product is posted). By default, the...
3 answer
13.10.2020, 19:47
Distribution of one payment between several orders of the same supplier
Situation: There are several orders to the supplier for which goods have been received and we have an obligation to pay for these several deliverie...
warehouse sales report
The goal is to get a list of sold (exactly sold) and credited from the warehouse for the period (day), but I ran into such a problem, returns are a...
3 answer
23.09.2020, 18:14
Warehouse call
Chi є in box zvіt or functional, which in one window allows you to get the necessary information: 1. Surplus goods in warehouses. 2. Chіkuvany prih...
2 answer
15.09.2020, 15:40
Refinement. Expected arrival
Add "sales order reference" column Rate
2 answer
15.09.2020, 15:40
Expected arrival
In the expected arrival http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/shop/report/expected/products/ data from the column "Customer (additional) disappeared...
2015602553 - Improvement of the action “Find the process upon receipt of the product and change the business process and stage”
For the BP action “Find the process upon receipt of the product and change the business process and stage”, the setting “Search for the very first ...
2014849351 - Improvement of the action "Find the process upon receipt of the product and change the business process and stage"
For the action "Find process by product receipt and change business process and stage", the logic has been improved: if the checkboxes ar...

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