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Search results for query #паспорт

1 answer
25.06.2021, 15:12
Evaluate the revision on the prohibition of adding a passport
https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/ We want to make sure that the product has only 1 passport, there are situations when the 2nd passport is accidenta...
1 answer
Reservation of balances according to the product passport
What are the solutions in onebox: Beds are sold with or without lifting mechanism. The bed is sold as a separate product, and the lifting mechanism...
4 answer
27.04.2021, 15:25
Automatic recalculation of price levels in product passports
Hello! How to set up automatic recalculation of price levels (additional prices) in product passports when similar price levels for their component...
9 replies
10.03.2021, 23:30
The product automation action does not work Fill in the product card based on the passport materials
Good afternoon. The action does not recalculate the price of the finished product, the goods with the passport https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/pro...
15 replies
26.02.2021, 16:47
Automation of products Fill in the product card based on the materials of the passport
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to automatically start recalculating the price of the finished product when the price of the component chan...
16 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.02.2021, 09:41
Rate - Product Passport, how to recalculate the price with an optional product
PURPOSE: to form the price of a product when it has a passport, subtracting the price of optional products take into account the calculated price w...
3 answer
20.01.2021, 17:31
I can't delete components from the passport
I'm attaching a screenshot. When you click on the cross (delete) nothing happens. Can this be fixed somehow or do I need to create a new passport?
3 answer
08.01.2021, 15:20
copy the dodfield to the product passport in the dodfield to the product process
for the client to make a choice, it is necessary to submit the additional field to the passport in the process, butt: Passport add-on field https:/...
1 answer
30.12.2020, 11:16
In the export of product passports, not all data
There are 2 product passports https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/passports/?name=ELEC_36DD_BRA...
6 replies
Action when saving a contact card "Fill in a product card based on passport materials"
Installed action without settings https://prnt.sc/vt5tm0 . Here is the passport http://saleswp0.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/passport/4/edit/ ...

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