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Search results for query #оценка интеграции

5 replies
03.08.2021, 11:27
Estimate the term for setting up integration with a third-party site
Colleagues, good afternoon! Please evaluate the setting of data transfer from a third-party site. Documentation (api) at the link: https://sendit.r...
7 replies
Tranzzo_Sending payments
https://cdn.tranzzo.com/tranzzo-api/index.html#introduction - API We need the ability to send a payment from the Tranzo system service using the sp...
1 answer
05.07.2021, 11:58
Integration with WayForPay
There was a task 2015142960 It included a refinement of integration with WayForPay Now when sending a payment link indicating the order id and paym...
3 answer
29.06.2021, 18:45
Integration with Office 365 Excel
Is it possible to integrate with Office 365 Excel? Namely, uploading these processes to an online Office 365 Excel spreadsheet I didn't find an...
3 answer
07.06.2021, 10:31
Interested in integration with Ozon, Yandex, Aliexpress, Wildberries marketplaces.
Ozone is indicated that it is implemented, how does it actually work? In the settings, you can specify a key and an identifier. What actions should...
7 replies
Rate integration with https://depositsign.com/
https://depositsign.com/swagger-api-doc/index.html Integration needed: - transfer of documents to the service (one document / array of documents0 -...
8 replies
Please estimate the cost of integration with Wildberries
Please evaluate the cost of integration with https://www.wildberries.ru/ for the following steps 1. Import orders from wildberries in one box (orde...
9 replies
16.02.2021, 15:34
import orders from good - please calculate the improvements
never received an answer to the question about importing orders well / improvements are needed for integration with XIII - please evaluate separate...
2 answer
27.01.2021, 16:43
integration with ocStore
ocStore - Russified OpenCart Is there any integration with this engine at the moment? you need the same functions as when integrating with opencart...
5 replies
Тзов Екомора
22.01.2021, 17:41
Interaction from https://www.parts-catalogs.com/
Need real_zuvati sum_sn_st with the right cards for goods in our systems. the possibility of storing the value of the goods from the order (code, n...

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