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3 answer
23.09.2020, 18:14
Warehouse call
Chi є in box zvіt or functional, which in one window allows you to get the necessary information: 1. Surplus goods in warehouses. 2. Chіkuvany prih...
9 replies
23.09.2020, 17:35
Please display the barcode in the section Remains in warehouses. This is the most generic item identifier. It is vital. Also, there is a field Barc...
2 answer
22.09.2020, 11:18
Displaying the supplier of the goods in the balances in warehouses
The system has a report Remaining in warehouses https://prnt.sc/ulmvt7 It displays the goods that are in the warehouses in the system. You can add ...
2015623092 - Filter “Show information by currencies” in the report “Balances in warehouses”
The "Show information by currencies" filter has been improved for the "Balance in warehouses" report. When the filter is enable...
2015623092 - Filter “Show information by currencies” in the report “Balances in warehouses”
The "Show information by currencies" filter has been improved for the "Balance in warehouses" report. When the filter is enable...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
02.09.2020, 22:11
In the list of products in the field "In stock" does not show the actual quantity of goods in stock
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filterarticul=277886&sortkey=image&a... Here is what http://prntscr.co...
9 replies
25.08.2020, 13:06
The number of goods in stock does not change
Items with ID 320 321 322 323 do not change the balance. Although they are all written off. https://prnt.sc/u5hbm6 In the remnants section, they ar...
9 replies
25.08.2020, 01:00
Wrong logic in Recalculation
When manually editing the quantity of a product, the subsequent scanning of this product adds it again with a new line and confusion arises. For ex...
2015490806 - Refinement of the table of products in the section of stock balances
Improved system setting “Fix column names when viewing balance”. If the checkbox is enabled when scrolling the table of products in the section “St...
2015472358 - Added a new filter to the section "Balance in warehouses"
A filter has been added to the “Balance in warehouses” section, where you can set an additional field by which stocks will be grouped

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