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4 answer
14.10.2020, 06:48
The quantity and status of the availability of the main product card in the model range are not updated
There is a main product card (product code 1270) https://prnt.sc/uyvsjo It does not update the number of balances and status in stock (available or...
2 answer
13.10.2020, 10:31
The number of balances from the warehouse to the unloading file is not updated
Stocks have been updated for a number of out-of-stock products. The result can be seen on the example of this product http://prntscr.com/uy91wv. As...
Prom export not working
It stopped transferring balances to Prom normally. They didn't change anything, and there are only 51 pieces in the list of products for transf...
2 answer
22.09.2020, 11:18
Displaying the supplier of the goods in the balances in warehouses
The system has a report Remaining in warehouses https://prnt.sc/ulmvt7 It displays the goods that are in the warehouses in the system. You can add ...
9 replies
25.08.2020, 13:06
The number of goods in stock does not change
Items with ID 320 321 322 323 do not change the balance. Although they are all written off. https://prnt.sc/u5hbm6 In the remnants section, they ar...
2015567571 - Sorting goods in the warehouse
For the table “Balance of products in warehouses” of the “Balance in warehouse” section, it has been improved so that when the default sorting “pro...
2015328034 - Refinement of balances in warehouses
The column “Cost” has been added to the stock balance section. When choosing a filtering period, the balance for the period from/to the column valu...
2014831385 - Refinement of the page "Balance in warehouses"
On the Remains in warehouses page, the column has been improved, which will display the warehouses where this product is reserved.

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