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Search results for query #лицензия

2 answer
29.04.2024, 14:11
The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
Good afternoon, please help me solve the problem: The maximum number of sessions in your OneBox license has been reached: 0
0 replies
14.11.2023, 10:57
Selling OneBox CRM boxed version and 4 unlimited OneBox CRM licenses for $1,500
Our company purchased the boxed version with 4 unlimited OneBox CRM licenses. Currently the license costs $699. You can purchase for $375. The tota...
3 answer
Change of license holder's license
Good afternoon, how to change the license holder correctly?
1 answer
03.09.2022, 22:00
Selling 19 unlimited licenses of OneBox CRM+ERP (Green MVP 2020) 5 times cheaper than bought!
Our company purchased a boxed unlimited version of the CRM system ONEBOX Green MVP (2020) for 19 licenses (all receipts are available). One license...
2 answer
06.07.2022, 10:44
OneBox OS Named Licenses
Dear clients and partners! OneBox OS has a new feature - named licenses that are tied to users (OneBox ID). What it is: - take the activation key; ...
0 replies
10.05.2022, 20:18
I want to sell my perpetual licenses
I want to sell my perpetual licenses, can someone contact me? Previously communicated with Lydia, but now there is no connection.
4 answer
16.04.2022, 11:20
Decreased number of license days
Good afternoon! Please help me figure it out. Recently, at my request, the box was restored from freezing. It was restored, but the number of days ...
2 answer
11.04.2022, 14:29
The program does not work, Urgently
The program does not work, does not even allow you to log in, gives a 401 error, while the site works. When you try to enter the program again, it ...
3 answer
22.11.2021, 16:40
Transferring licenses
Tell me, is it possible to transfer licenses from https://agk.crm-onebox.com to https://box.transmarket.ua?
17 replies
13.11.2021, 23:02
OneBox CRM+ERP boxed unlimited version for 19 licenses
Our company purchased a boxed unlimited version of the ONEBOX CRM system for 19 licenses. One license at the moment the developer costs 699 USD. Or...

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