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Search results for query #лицензии

1 answer
30.11.2020, 19:16
Hello, what is and what should I do?
1 answer
27.11.2020, 22:26
Problems connecting to the license server
OneBox rybalkashop.com.ua The following inscription appeared: Problems connecting to the license server, contact your system administrator.
2 answer
25.11.2020, 19:41
Problems connecting to the license server, contact your system administrator.
Hello. Today I noticed this inscription "Problems connecting to the license server, contact your system administrator." https://prnt.sc/v...
An inscription appeared - problems connecting to the license server, contact your system administrator
An inscription appeared - problems connecting to the license server, contact your system administrator. What would that mean? https://tradework.com...
restart session or force logout
CRM freezes and writes that the number of users exceeds the number of purchased licenses. Although everyone is logged out, how can I restart the se...
1 answer
Администратор проектов
25.09.2020, 09:19
Licenses and number of users. Transferring part of the licenses.
Please explain what is the fundamental difference between these concepts in the context of the OneBox product. Also interested if the client bought...
9 replies
19.08.2020, 16:47
Tariff-3 how to enter different employees
we log in under the account of the director, logins and passwords were created for employees, it’s not clear how to log in from another computer un...
Distribution of licenses between departments
License Distribution Options for users: Allocate a certain number of licenses to users of a particular department so that these licenses are not ta...
At the entrance, a list of who is using and a proposal to exit
There is an idea to make it so that when logging into Boxing, a person is shown a list of those who are already working. And if there are not enoug...
When requesting via API, do not check the number of licenses
A certain number of licenses have been purchased for the company, and a situation regularly arises when we try to transfer information to / from CR...

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