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Search results for query #интеграция с хорошоп

3 answer
27.07.2023, 15:19
Integration with Khorosp
Good afternoon, we have configured auto-update of products in Khorosop with CRM, but we have a problem in CRM with languages. Namely, we have some ...
5 replies
20.10.2022, 10:56
Is the integration complete?
Please share who has the connection of Khorosop + One Box Is the integration complete?
11 replies
14.09.2022, 10:08
Error in exporting goods to Horosop
Hello. Connected the integration with Horoshopop, turned on the automatic action for the export of goods. Error in integration window Tell me what...
2015855998 - Improvement of the action "Import processes with Goodhop"
For the "Import processes from Horosop" action, the ability to specify an account (purse) to which to make a payment has been added.
2015836536 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export goods to Horoshop"
In the "Export products to Goodhop" action, there is a setting "Do not send product information to Goodhop if the product card has n...
2015789416 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export goods to Horoshop"
The following fields have been added to the "Export goods to Horosop" action: number of payments for Payment by parts of PrivatBank Good ...
2015763445 - Improved the functionality of the action "Export goods to Horoshop"
For the "Export goods to Horosop" action, a setting has been added in which you can set the availability text that is transmitted with di...
2 answer
Refinement of integration with good
Tell me, you need to give api in Okop the value of the fields: title (ua), title (ru), Short description (ua), Short description (en), Product desc...
2015711582 - Added a setting to the action "Export goods to Goodhop"
For the automatic action once per hour "Export goods to Horoshop", the setting "Do not update the description of the goods (transfer...
2015512376 - Improvement of the action “Export leftover goods to Horoshop”
The logic of the action “Export leftover goods to Horosop” has been improved. By passing the balances, the action remembers the quantity of goods t...

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