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Search results for query #загрузка

6 replies
27.08.2020, 12:51
Import filters (characteristics) via xls bypassing empty filters
I had a need to load characteristics into box products from other product cards. To do this, I loaded the necessary cards from another site into th...
1 answer
26.02.2020, 11:33
Refinement of import of goods in YML
Improve the ability to import products in YML format so that you can also load any SEO entities for which there are corresponding fields in OneBox ...
Refinement of loading product filters
Improvement is needed, which would allow loading product filters as fields in the product import, and not through the add. settings So that filters...
2014848594 - Uploading files to the box
Improved the ability to load 1GB files in processes and contacts.
2014797625 - Completion of mass adding files
Previously, when uploading files to OneBox, you had to upload each file separately. Now tabbed file: - contacts - products - processes Ability to u...

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