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Search results for query #дополнительное поле продукта

13 replies
15.07.2022, 13:16
Refinement: write the product filter value in the additional product field
Good afternoon! Please help. It is necessary that in the "additional product field" it is automatically (with a certain frequency) filled...
2 answer
08.09.2021, 12:52
Displaying additional product fields depending on the category additional product fields
In the additional fields of products, you can select a category. But the fields, all are displayed in a bunch in the product card, regardless of th...
2015847503 - Improved the functionality of the "Export products to CS-Cart" action
The "Export products to CS-Cart" action has the settings "Additional category field from which to take / into which to write ID from...
1 answer
23.07.2021, 12:41
The action Copy product field to additional process product field does not work correctly
There is an action Copy product field to additional process product field https://osetr.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflow/14/procedure/11/?status=...
11 replies
01.04.2021, 16:12
Add to the block "Product import block" - search for products by an additional product field
Good afternoon! I ask you to calculate the revision, namely: there is a block in the process with the name "Product import block". It sho...
5 replies
OneBox hangs when selecting a value in the add. process product field
Recorded a video with the problem: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NyuidQJVhNX1RzxLN9Qjyvjc5X8uTvP8/view?usp=shari...
When unloading the goods, there are no Additional fields of the Product
When unloading the goods, there are no Additional fields of the Product https://prnt.sc/yppx3r Silka https://rovo.org.ua/api/product/get/? https://...
2 answer
bug in the additional field of process products
Hello. We have an additional field "Delayed, rack) for the products of the process. It has a drop-down list *see screenshot". From today,...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 18:00
What action to take
What action can be used to copy the value from the process product field "Note" to another additional process product field?
2015171959 - Block "Contacts matching by additional field"
In the product interface, the "Contacts with matching by additional field" block has been improved, which displays contacts in which the ...

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