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Search results for query #график

OS - filters work incorrectly / shift chart generation
1. Go to the shift schedule generation section 2. By default, in the employees field, selects an authorized manager 3. When you try to remove or ad...
6 replies
02.08.2021, 12:15
Os - how to take a day off on Sat
In the application "work schedule of employees" there is an opportunity to auto-fill the schedule of employees. How to fill in so that y...
1 answer
08.02.2021, 10:27
Schedule in budgets
When we open budget operations, there is a chart on the right - https://prnt.sc/yotb7m he is a worker? what should it show? data for April is displ...
Evaluate the improvement - Sales schedule of goods in the Item Card / Warehouse
https://vmk.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/40725/storage/ in the product card there is a warehouse tab, where we see the movement of a particul...
Is it possible to add a graph to Reports
is it possible to add a graph to existing reports showing daily indicators for the report for the selected period https://prnt.sc/vdiimf and in the...
3 answer
19.10.2020, 11:29
Dashboard "Graph of the amount of transactions that passed through the stage"
The system has a dashboard Graph of the amount of transactions https://prnt.sc/v25f8e It filters the processes that are in the selected status and ...

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