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Search results for query #время

3 answer
20.01.2021, 08:21
close button
When choosing a time/date, we suggest renaming the "close" button to the "OK" button. Because the name "close" itself...
3 answer
10.12.2020, 16:03
Time in CRM
https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com In our orders, the "creation time" is an hour behind. How can this be corrected?
3 answer
05.10.2020, 15:32
Usability improvements when filtering by dates
Please make presets for dates in the filter. Now it is very inconvenient to navigate through dates. For example, as in Google Adwords http://joxi.r...
7 replies
15.09.2020, 19:19
Schedule and execute before
Is it possible for a task to have "Due until" earlier by date/time than "Schedule"? It's ridiculous somehow, but at the sam...
3 answer
15.09.2020, 18:26
Date/time in the system
When will it be possible to choose the display of the Date in processes / or will a beautiful and readable display appear? :)) 2020-09-16 16:20:00 ...

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