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Search results for query #horoshop

11 replies
14.09.2022, 10:08
Error in exporting goods to Horosop
Hello. Connected the integration with Horoshopop, turned on the automatic action for the export of goods. Error in integration window Tell me what...
9 replies
10.09.2022, 10:45
Export of goods to Horoshop
Hello. Connected the integration, introduced access to the personal account https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/horoshop/settings/index/?sortkey=...
3 answer
07.09.2022, 18:36
There were no changes X hours - what are these?
In the action "Export goods to Goodhop" There is a setting what changes does the system check for? The setting is set here https://sara....
14 replies
02.09.2022, 11:42
Export the remaining goods to Khorozhop
Balances need to be updated more often than once an hour. We assume the following possible finishing options: Working out the action of transferrin...
3 answer
29.08.2022, 11:17
Export the remaining goods to Khorozhop
Please help to understand why the balances on Khorosop are not updated. Adjusted action https://take.ms/PJow3, an example of a product with leftove...
Customize matching payment and shipping methods for Goodp
Good afternoon! Actions for importing orders from Horosop Can't find an action that combines shipping and payment methods with OneBox. How can ...
Good transfer of characteristics
Good afternoon! Help with the Export Goods to Goods action Set up unloading goods from OneBox to Horosop Everything is transferred except character...
Horosop - transfer of characteristics to IM
Good afternoon! Help with the Export Goods to Goods action Set up unloading goods from OneBox to Horosop Everything is transferred except character...
0 replies
17.07.2022, 13:00
Products are not transferred well
https://crm.dobavki.ua/app/automatization/hour/edit/ The action for unloading products in the well is set up. Product example https://crm.dobavki.u...
2 answer
15.07.2022, 12:52
The order didn't load well
https://crm.dobavki.ua/ Customized import of orders from Horosop On the 10th I created an order there, I attach the screen But this order was not ...

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