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Search results for query #horoshop

1 answer
06.08.2023, 12:21
Unloading products on a well with conditions
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/automatization/hour/edit/ In the "Export goods to Goodhop" action Here are the settings https://prnt.sc/3UlpyHPD0rG...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
26.06.2023, 17:03
Does not delay the name of the client with Horosop
Good afternoon Previously, https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-online-stores/16394-podvyazalsya-nekor...
2 answer
25.04.2023, 14:57
Transferring all site data to the Horoshop platform
Tell me, please, how to correctly transfer all products and all information from the site on the OneBox platform to the new site on the Horoshop pl...
13 replies
22.03.2023, 22:46
Export of product images to Khorozhop
Good day. It was noticed that when exporting goods to Khorosop, new images are added to the existing ones without overwriting previously imported o...
The parameter "Product modification name" is divided separately into Ukrainian and Russian by analogy, as "product description", "name
Good afternoon, you can order revisions for the OS version by analogy with this topic: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-online-stores/1342...
12 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.01.2023, 17:57
Getting the status of payment with Horosop
Good afternoon! Tell me how you can overcome the receipt of payment status from Horosop and making a payment later than the discount will be applie...
5 replies
20.12.2022, 11:02
Unloading goods on Horoshop
Goods stopped being unloaded at Horoshop. Help me to understand.
Automation stopped working Update business processes Ok
Automation stopped working today, although I just added new statuses from OneBox. https://andser.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/minute/edit/#done
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
23.11.2022, 08:37
How to pull products in Ukrainian into the Products block with a table?
Hello! Can you please tell me how to load goods in Ukrainian from Horoshopa into the Products block with a table by default? Items loaded from Horo...
5 replies
20.10.2022, 10:56
Is the integration complete?
Please share who has the connection of Khorosop + One Box Is the integration complete?

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