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Search results for query #checkbox

9 replies
finalize the action "Creating a sales receipt ...."
- is such a modification for the action acceptable?
5 replies
action Open Shift Checkbox
http://prntscr.com/1046dc7 - is this a critical error? can allow to pass to a stage on this error?
1 answer
22.02.2021, 14:14
Urgently! The check is not fiscalized through the Checkbox!
Error with email
5 replies
close shift in Checkbox with action
- I have not seen this message for a long time, I look Russified .. but then it stopped moving to the stage .... and then boxing glitched at the ti...
1 answer
delete mail from client card
how to do it? didn't find the button the buyer indicated a number instead of mail, the result - the checkbox check is not printed I tried to de...
9 replies
25.01.2021, 14:07
Urgently! The check is not fiscalized!
The error only appeared today. Gives an error by email although the setting is enabled
1 answer
Saving settings in the "Get receipt information" action does not work
I can not save the settings of the field "integration" in the action "Get receipt information" After saving, the field remains ...
2 answer
11.01.2021, 12:26
checkbox error
Client box https://megazayka.crm-onebox.com/admin/ Checkbox integration set up There is an order https://megazayka.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
03.01.2021, 23:29
CheckBox - PPO for business
Fellow developers, I am subscribed to the news from CheckBox. Received an email from them yesterday: *** Prior to the existing CRM systems and auto...
Synchronization of the system with the service is simple (online kasa)
Is it possible to integrate with the registrar of rozrachunk operations? Varity? Can I put it on the investment auction?

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