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Search results for query #direct

5 replies
14.12.2021, 17:21
OS: Pictures do not come to the process
Guys, if the user sends a message to direct and the first message is of the type "picture" (file), "post", link or something el...
6 replies
10.11.2021, 19:54
instagram - pictures / links / posts are not coming to the process
Good afternoon! When working with instagram (now I work through i2crm / creating Business processes) - there is a problem, namely: if the user send...
12 replies
18.03.2021, 17:19
Do not use feedback in chat (Instagram Direct (i2crm) in chat)
Integration with i2crm (Instagram Direct) done So nalashtovana diya Turn Instagram Direct message (i2crm) into a chat - chat is created, but it is ...
17 replies
Turn an Instagram Direct (i2crm) message into a chat
auto action once per minute / Turn Instagram Direct message (i2crm) into a chat / indicate who to chat with. 1.Sms from instagram come to chat, whe...
2015575884 - Improved action “Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)”
For the BP action “Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)”, the setting has been improved, which allows you to set the correspondence: addition...

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