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1 answer
08.08.2022, 16:30
Filter not working
I made a report on the Reconciliation Act, but when I put a client in the filter and click filter, the rest of the clients still remain. Why is the...
Unable to set up filtering in the report
Good afternoon, somewhere the ability to configure filtering in the report designer has disappeared. example https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/report/d...
2 answer
29.07.2022, 11:22
Rozrobka, nalashtuvannya zvіtіv
Good afternoon. We are looking for a specialist for distribution and making calls. Need the description of the file: https://docs.google.com/spread...
1 answer
I can change the format as well as possible in the sound of the surcharge
- Here we have adjusted the format of digits with spaces, For example, like here https://prnt.sc/tXhBRKClnFoR, more visually it’s not easy
5 replies
22.06.2022, 12:54
Incorrect display in the layout and an error with folding
1. Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/report/desiner/8/view/?filter_storagemove_datefrom...
8 replies
The final part of the reports is not formed correctly
2 answer
05.01.2022, 12:01
Rounding numbers
Vitannia! I'm creating a new column for the editor's call for help "My item" and "List of available parameters for writing t...
1 answer
Refinement of the report on products (required supply)
It is necessary to evaluate the possibility of setting up a report on deliveries Given: - grocery list - a list of warehouses that have this produc...
1 answer
22.12.2021, 12:10
It takes a long time to display the list in the Lead Report app
The list is not displayed for a long time (about 1 min) in the Lead Report application (the test leads have already been deleted in the screen). I ...
3 answer
28.11.2021, 20:36
Report Builder - Tasks/Orders/Projects table
Created a report https://rivcont.info/app/report/designer/8/ Go to it https://rivcont.info/app/report/designer/8/view/ The report does not tear off...

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