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Search results for query #интернет магазин

7 replies
28.07.2021, 14:28
Duplicate links when using filters on the site
Boxing https://luxshina.ua/admin/ There is a filter Problem: When we filter winter tires the page https://luxshina.ua/avtoshini/zimnie-shini/ ope...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
24.07.2021, 11:58
How to add the "Warranty" block to the mobile version of the site?
On the full version of the site https://baza.cn.ua/kurtka-lupilu-301781-86-92-301781/ There is a Warranty But on the mobile version https://m.baza....
4 answer
13.07.2021, 16:22
Problem with filtering products on the site
I noticed a problem with filtering products on the site: for example, we take the category "Cutters for a manual router" https://trudovik...
1 answer
06.07.2021, 04:17
Displaying order status information on the Tilda page
The site has a service for checking the status of an order https://chinim.com.ua/psr/ I plan to create a business card site on Tilda before updatin...
13 replies
24.06.2021, 16:26
Description and H1 are not displayed on brand pages
Description and H1 are not displayed on brand pages. Fill in the fields on the brand page But they are not displayed in the site code
5 replies
16.06.2021, 10:30
Wrong product link in code
After transferring an online store from a subdomain to the main domain, the old link is displayed in the page code. I give an example on the produc...
8 replies
15.06.2021, 12:34
Close the CRM system from indexing, but leave the online store for indexing
Good afternoon! The online store was transferred to the main domain trudovik.com.ua and opened for indexing https://trudovik.com.ua/robots.txt But...
19 replies
10.06.2021, 21:58
Upload Wordpress Products
Good afternoon, there is a box (vzutik.crm-onebox.com) I need to upload goods to Worpdress (vzuto.shop) nothing happens after entering the data, wh...
2 answer
04.06.2021, 16:31
Switching language on the site does not work
The language switcher on the site stopped working. It does not switch on the main page, but if you go to the site using a different URL, you can se...
8 replies
01.06.2021, 16:22
Transferring an online store to the main domain and installing an SSL certificate
Good afternoon! It is necessary to separate the online store and CRM, now they work on the box.trudovik.com.ua subdomain. I need the online store t...

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