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2 answer
04.03.2024, 12:19
Is it possible to use the urldecode.php function in the action "Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met"
Is it possible to use the urldecode.php function in the action "Calculate and write value to additional field if conditions are met" https://www.p...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
04.03.2024, 10:38
The 21-day CRM intensive is already available and is completely free.
Your results after the 21-day CRM intensive! Good afternoon, friends ???????? Let me remind you that the ...
0 replies
03.03.2024, 15:02
Product availability fluctuates with each price recalculation
The product has a supplier selected, but the supplier's price and retail price are not indicated, while the In stock from supplier checkbox is acti...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
01.03.2024, 14:23
500 error when opening one of the pages of the Customer balance report
Good day, On page 3 of the Customer balance report, we get a 500 error: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/report/clientbalance/?groupcompanyfirstle...
1 answer
06.02.2024, 18:20
When importing data into directories, the system hangs and does not import all data
When importing data into directories from a file in XLS format, the system imports data, but every now and then it shows an error and then everythi...
1 answer
prolitech user password
Good day, The prolitech user password used to access our vps server is required. We need to make some changes to the website. Please send it to the...
0 replies
29.02.2024, 14:55
simplify the entry of the filled-in GOOGLE FORM into the vanbox
Good afternoon, please tell me how to simplify the entry of the GOOGLE FORM filled in by the client into the van box so that the manager in the van...
2 answer
29.02.2024, 10:33
Improvement to the action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”: move the process to the required stage
Guys, please calculate the modification for the action “Merge processes with the same status and business process”. Now, the found process is being...
1 answer
29.02.2024, 10:07
Good day! You can send the module files for versions 2.1 and 3.03 to denisryzhuk@gmail.com thank you
1 answer
07.02.2024, 11:34
Where to get data
We need client data “ID and code from FUIB”, the bank does not know where to get it for us) They send us a file that does not contain the ID and co...