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2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
19.04.2024, 13:52
The box works very slowly and periodically issues a 504 error
Good day, please help, we can't work. Box https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/
6 replies
19.04.2024, 12:11
When saving the product card, the Link to the manufacturer’s website field is cleared
The field is locked. When you save the card, the siteurl field is cleared. I tried disabling all product automations. The same.
Mass printing of TTN through the function "Print TTN by processes"
Good day! You can evaluate the improvement of the following functionality: In the list of orders, we use this function of printing ТТН https://prnt...
0 replies
18.04.2024, 17:32
How to change availability in Opencart
Congratulations, the products in the box have three statuses: 1. Available 2. To order 3. Not available How to configure the transfer of these stat...
Products on the website are not updated
Good day! For some reason, products are not updated in Horosop, although they were previously added through integration with srm and worked normall...
The universal block for settings does not open
Good day! BP interface https://pl-tyres.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/247/interface/ I click https://prnt.sc/k3MiE3ruZTtr and nothing happens ca...
6 replies
Project Manager
18.04.2024, 13:45
I can’t find how to translate product fields into the specified language.
Good afternoon There is a version of Onebox CRM, a boxed old version, I can’t have the same option as on the forum screenshot: https://1b.app/ru/f...
1 answer
17.04.2024, 18:30
Evaluate the output of the "TTN parameters" block in the client's office
The client has a feature of working with dropshippers such that they first create an order with minimal data, and then detail it in the office. But...
1 answer
17.04.2024, 17:25
Incorrect calculation of the purchase amount in the journal
Here https://poland.1b.app/admin/shop/storage/motion/546/?productid= We are trying to edit a journal entry and change the purchase price to 2 zl...
1 answer
17.04.2024, 16:16
Problems with the work of formulas and conditional formatting in the table after deleting the script
After adding a script that controlled the transfer of the number from one sheet to another, and then removing it, the table had problems with the f...