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1 answer
27.10.2023, 16:57
The action setting
The action setting "Record the date and time of the last change of a process field, product or process product" does not work, namely, the drop-dow...
0 replies
27.10.2023, 16:01
After registration, the client does not have a phone number
Here is the contact https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/6029738/ After registering with LK, he no longer had a phone number. Although a telephone num...
1 answer
25.10.2023, 20:25
Calculation formula with condition
Hi all! And a huge thank you to whoever helps me tweak the formula. There are several columns, in the first we select the type of payment (cash or ...
Attach the company's property to the employee.
Is it somehow possible to secure the property purchased by the company for its activities by the employee? Considered 2 options. The first - using ...
0 replies
26.10.2023, 17:09
Revision: fill in another product filter according to the reference and
Guys, I need help. There is a product that has 2 filters. The first filter "Material" takes its values ​​from the directory. You need to fill the ...
The action_Importing processes based on Smart Cash receipts does not work
Good afternoon From 17.10 the action "Import processes based on receipts" stopped working https://rozumm.1b.app/app/smartkasa/ Perhaps this is due ...
No tilde requests are created
https://urbantree.1b.app/app/tilda/ here are the errors https://i.imgur.com/IVzXWrH.png on the side of the tilde, he seemed to have indicated every...
1 answer
26.10.2023, 11:33
Are the files on the connected mail @gmail.com taking up space on the OneBox drive?
I have Google Mail connected. They send me emails with attached files. Are these files taking up space on my account?
0 replies
26.10.2023, 15:00
Please rate the update for the report Client report (document template)
For the report Client report (document template) https://i.imgur.com/Pcrn3S9.png add the ability to filter data by company and its employees https:...
8 replies
14.04.2022, 10:55
Is there an analogue of i2CRM?
Good afternoon! Tell me, is there an analogue of i2CRM for Instagram? Or maybe it will appear in the near future?