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development of CRM for a veterinary clinic

need to develop a CRM for a veterinary clinic
nothing complicated in terms of processes
perhaps the most unusual is the pet card - there should be a photo, a photo of the owner, the animal's passport and age.
+ minimum accounting in the system
Original question is available on version: ru «Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників»


Sure, I can help you with that! Developing a CRM for a veterinary clinic is a great idea. Here are a few key points to consider:

- The CRM should have a user-friendly interface for easy navigation.
- It should include features like client management, appointment scheduling, and medical records management.
- The pet card feature you mentioned is important and should include a photo of the pet, photo of the owner, the animal's passport, and age.
- To ensure smooth operations, it's advisable to have minimum accounting capabilities integrated into the system.
- You can find a helpful guide on how to build your own custom CRM system at this link: https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/how-to-build-your-own-custom-crm-system/

I hope this information is helpful to you! Let me know if you have any further questions.
12.08.2023, 12:47

will not help, because all such links here are noopener, nofollow =)
14.08.2023, 15:20
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ua

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