Перехожу по ссылке https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filtercustomkodkategoriirozetka23=&filteremptyfieldid=shafa16&filtercustomtekst2=&filtercustomspivrobitnik21=&fromfiltercustomzristchislo15=&tofiltercustomzristchislo15=&filtercustom562=&filtercustom531=&filtercustom583=&filtercustom564=&filterbrands=&filtername=&filterarticul=&filterid=&filterpricefrom= &filterpriceto=&fromfiltercustomzalishok25=&tofiltercustomzalishok25=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=&filter_show_avail=1&filtercustomopisanierozetka24=&filtershare=&categoryid=1594&searchLine=
In the table settings there is such sorting (screenshot)
But it sorts incorrectly, above should be a product whose value in the field is 98, and below 110
I tried to change the setting from ZA nothing has changed
Please fix it so it works correctly.
Перехожу по ссылке https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filtercustomkodkategoriirozetka23=&f... &filterpriceto=&fromfiltercustomzalishok25=&tofiltercustomzalishok25=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=&filter_show_avail=1&filtercustomopisanierozetka24=&filtershare=&categoryid=1594&searchLine= In the table settings there is such sorting (screenshot) But it sorts incorrectly, above should be a product whose value in the field is 98, and below 110 I tried to change the setting from ZA nothing has changed Please fix it so it works correctly.
Good afternoon. Sorting by image means that the products will be sorted by the name of the photo. In your case, the names of the photos are different https://prnt.sc/wkt6ui and, accordingly, the products are in the correct order.
Good afternoon. Sorting by image means that the products will be sorted by the name of the photo. In your case, the names of the photos are different https://prnt.sc/wkt6ui and, accordingly, the products are in the correct order.
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