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Search results for query #streamtelecom

7 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
22.02.2023, 15:08
Integration with StreamTelecom telephony does not work
Configured HERE: https://invafishki.1b.app/app/streamtelecom/settings/ Tried ticking: - PUSH; - CRON; - both options. Click to call. gives error lo...
16 replies
02.10.2021, 18:36
OS: Errors during Stream Telecom telephony
Good afternoon! There were 2 errors in the Stream Telecom application: 1) For any type of call, the call pop-up window is not displayed, but the ca...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
09.09.2021, 16:18
OS - Stream Telecom ip-telephony free of charge for participants of the master class for 14 days
Guys, brag my article was published on the blog of the partner Stream Telecom, which offers for everyone who comes to the master class 14 days of f...
1 answer
18.12.2020, 10:44
StreamTelecom integration does not work (when you click on a phone number, it gives an error)
You can't call customers. Gives an error https://prnt.sc/w57ob9 In the manager's account, the required fields are indicated and filled http...
4 answer
21.09.2020, 18:01
Integration not working
Performed integration with StreamTelecom telephony When I try to call in one click, I get the error Login failure1: permission denied I did everyth...

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