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Search results for query #olx

2 answer
06.03.2024, 10:52
working with the application
Good afternoon There were a number of questions about working with the application firstly, it does not load existing advertisements from OLH, al...
1 answer
OLH - how to filter goods when unloading?
More questions: 1) Is it possible to somehow select the goods that we want to unload? For example, in the "Products" application, send marked produ...
2 answer
how to upload products as advertisements in olx?
Installed the OLH application in Box. On the settings page I entered the login and password for OLH. But I don’t understand how to upload existing ...
2 answer
Personal license
04.01.2023, 15:45
What is the current functionality of the OLX application?
Hello! I wonder what the functionality of the OLX application is now. Here https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-price-platforms-and-marketplac...
2 answer
16.08.2022, 09:55
OLX development. Create listings for products in stock
Is it possible to make a revision so that ads are created for products in stock? That is, without creating a business process. For example, the pro...
6 replies
12.08.2022, 11:39
Refinement of OLX. Creation announced by products in stock
Is it really possible to make improvements so that ads are created based on available products? That is, without creating a business process. For e...
3 answer
30.05.2022, 00:50
Error when paying for OLX application
I can’t pay for the application, it gives an error about the lack of funds on the balance, despite the fact that there are enough funds on the bala...
1 answer
13.05.2022, 11:06
How to install the "OLX" application?
Hello! Tell me, please, how can I install the "OLX" application in my box?
13 replies
13.02.2022, 17:56
OLX Application
Can you please tell me how to get more information about the application? And can you install it yourself?
3 answer
04.08.2021, 11:08
Export products to OLX via API
Tell me, is it possible to integrate this service with OneBox OS using the API? (https://developer.olx.ua/api/doc) Interested in exporting products...

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